Bach’s Orgelbüchlein (Little Organ Book) is a collection of 46 chorale preludes (BWV 599-644). Bach wrote these as a sort of manual on organ-playing. The title page of the Orgelbüchlein reads in English translation:
“In which a beginning organist receives given instruction as to performing a chorale in a multitude of ways while achieving mastery in the study of the pedal, since in the chorales contained herein the pedal is treated entirely obbligato.”
Each of the chorale preludes is based on a Lutheran chorale so, in a sense, these organ works can be considered as songs without words.
One of my favorites is Ich ruf zu Dir, Herr Jesu Christ (BWV 639). Enjoy this recording of the Busoni transcription of BWV 639 by pianist, Murray Perahia.